Hutchison grew up a big Yankees fan. Tell us what is going through your mind after being selected by the Yankees.

Rodney Hutchison: I mean it’s honestly a dream come true. I grew up a Yankees’ fan, my whole family are huge Yankees’ fans so for the draft to go the way that it did, I was happy with it, especially since I didn’t perform to the level I wanted to this year. To get drafted, and then for it to be by the Yankees, it was the cherry on top. It was literally a dream come true. I grew up watching the Yankees, wearing Yankees’ jerseys and shirts. My two dogs are named after Yankees’ players so I literally can’t explain how thankful I am to be drafted by a first class organization. Were you surprised it was the Yankees that selected you? Had you and the Yankees talked much before the draft?

Hutchison: I mean, it was nothing more than any other teams. We had spring meetings early in the year, and my meeting with them went really well. I felt a good connection with them. And then we kept in touch as the season went on. It wasn’t anything it of the ordinary, and as day 2 of the draft came, I found out that they were interested in taking me in the sixth round. I was very excited and it ended up working out. It was definitely a good fit, and I felt a good connection with them. How familiar are you with the Yankees farm system?

Hutchison: Not exactly, not down to a tee. But I’m definitely interested in finding out where I’m going. I don’t know all the details yet, but I will once our season ends. Give us a scouting report. What pitches do you throw? What are your strengths and weaknesses on the mound?

Hutchison:  My dominant pitch, I’d say, is my two-seam fastball. I like to let it run and sink and do it’s thing. It’s kind of my go-to for pitching to contact and maybe get some swings and misses. I really like my changeup and my slider. I’ll mess with my slider grip and turn it into a cutter you know, have a little more velocity and have a little less movement. When it comes to working on things, I have a curveball here and there, but it’s kind of hard with my arm slot, but it was really effective for me in the cave this summer, and I’d like to get back to it eventually, but as a reliever I’ve been using just two or three pitches so I’ve put that on the shelf for now. Who was your favorite player growing up?

Hutchison: No doubt, Derek Jeter. He was definitely my idol. The way he went about things on and off the field. First class person, first class ball player. He was the guy I wanted to be growing up. I loved his Jordan cleats and Jordan wrist bands, Jordan batting gloves, and I still try to emulate him to this day. I love to wear Jordan cleats, and just thought he was so cool. He is somebody I would recommend every kid to look up to. Who would you compare your stuff to at the Major League level so Yankees' fans can get an idea of what you're like on the mound? And why?

Hutchison: I would say, you know, I’m not at the level of these guys yet, but I like to think of myself when it comes to size and arm action kind of like Andrew Miller or like a Max Scherzer. Miller is tall and lengthy with a three-quarter arm slot. He’s left-handed and I’m right-handed, but he’s got a power fastball and a wipeout slider. My slider is not wipeout yet, but hopefully I can get it to that point. He’s definitely somebody I see myself as, as a reliever. As a starter, I like to emulate Max Scherzer. He’s got a power fastball, a good changeup, and good off-speed. He’s high-intensity and very competitive, so those are two guys I want to see myself as in the future. What would you say is your best moment in baseball?

Hutchison: For me it’s a no doubter, being drafted by the Yankees, growing up idolizing them. But at the same time, what I’m doing at North Carolina winning a regional and trying to win a super regional and ultimately trying to get to Omaha, that will also be one of the best memories if we get there. But it’s no doubt being drafted by the New York Yankees because not many people can say that. Are you looking to sign quickly and get your professional career started right away?

Hutchison: Yeah that’s the goal. Like I said, I want to finish strong here at North Carolina and take us to Omaha. After that, the plan is to sign and start my professional career. I don’t want to jump too far ahead of myself, but that’s the plan. At the same time, there’s still a lot of to do here at UNC. How do you think you will handle the pressures of pitching in New York City?

Hutchison: It’s one of the best environments in Major League Baseball so any athlete would want to be in that situation. They have the best fans in the world. It’s something I’ve dreamt of so I’m excited for it and hopefully one day I’ll be out there pitching in New York. I’m definitely not scared of it, I’m looking forward to it.